How to level from 1 to 10 in New World

Julkaistu 25.9.2021

Monarch Bluff

As soon as you create a character and complete the first mission after a shipwreck you will be spawned in one of four locations. It's Monarch Bluff, Everfall, Windswart, and First Light.
Every location has a different storyline, but the beginning is almost similar. If we are talking about game mechanics.
Before the beginning, I want to tell you. Do not be afraid to try every weapon in the game. You should try everything to choose what you like. At the low levels, you do not miss anything if you will try some weapons. Use consumables as much as possible - it will significantly increase your leveling speed.
The storyline of this location is interesting. So do not skip lore notes in read them, also they will give you some experience.
There we will do a quick guide for leveling 1-10 in Monarch Bluff.
Let's start!

. Once you appear on the beach you should come to the camp and talk with Charity Douglas. It is the guy with the green arrow over his head. Turn in the quest and take the new one The Rest of the Crew. Now you need to investigate shipwreck (it is marked on your map) and kill 3 Drowned. They are not too strong, but you should use block when they are attacking you because block mechanic is very important with Sword + Shield. At the start this location can be overcrowded, so you can just stay and wait to spawn these mobs, don't worry - New World has a dynamic spawn system so it will be very fast.
After you complete it - go back to the Charity Douglas and turn in the quest. Take the new one A Skinning Knife
There you should obtain a Flint (It's the stone on the ground. You can find it everywhere, but mostly on the coast.) and Green-Wood from every bush.
Gather it and come to the campfire. Use it and craft your first Skinning Knife. Equip it and turn in the quest to Charity Douglas. Take the new one Rustle Up a Meal.

B. There you should kill at least one Boar and skinning him for Pork and Rawhide. If this location is empty you can farm some materials from Boars for your food and Leather for Trading House or for your own Leather Equipment. Go back to the campfire and cook Light Ration. You can cook more than one because you will eat it anyway. Turn in the quest to Charity Douglas and take a new one Stories Among Ships.

C. There you should go northwest. You will see it on the map. Once you come to shipwrecks you must find Ship's Roster, Ship's Manifest, and Ship's Log. Feel free to grind your way, because you will level your weapon skill. The roster you will find on the deck of a wrecked ship, Manifest in the middle of this island. And Log on the stone southeast from the Manifest. Once you obtain all of these notes you should go south on the nearest island and there you should find Ship's Locker. It's on the upper deck of the ship. So grind your way. Go southeast to the wrecked ship and go upper deck for obtaining the Ship's Flag from the Bow and the second one you can get from the opposite side of that ship. And now you can finally go to Charity Douglas. Turn in the quest and take a new one One Last Thing.

D. There you should explore the Turtlespit Cave. You should go south by the road. Go inside the cave and clean your way. At the end of the first room, you will see a corruption wall, it looks like a read meat wall. Just hit it few times. Go down and kill Corrupted Chaplain, he hits hard on low health so just try to block his attacks. Now you should go back to Charity Douglas and turn in the quest, and take the new one Storm Warning.

E. Now you should go to the town of Hamlet. It is far away in the north. There you should talk with Heloise Saville in the Town Hall. Take the quest Warn the Magistrate from her. Go left from the Town Hall to Urbanus Bixford. Turn in the quest and take the new quests The Old Man at the River and Make Yourself at Home. Go to the inn and bind this tavern as your home and after that go back to Urbanus Bixford and turn in the quest. Take the new one Supply and Storage. Now go to the Storage and Trading Post. Every town in this game has a separate auction and bank. And go back to Urbanus Bixford. Turn in the quest and take a new one Settlement Priorities. Go back to Town Hall. Turn in the quest and take a new one Overseer's Orders.

F. Go out from the town and gather materials. It will be very fast, so don't afraid. Once you gather these materials you need to refine them! Crafting is starting and it is the strong side of this game. Find a Woodshop and craft 10 Timber, 10 Stone Blocks on Stonecutting Table, and 4 Coarse Leather on Tannery. Go back to Town Hall and turn in the quest to Heloise Saville. Take the new quest Artificer Games. You can skip the Town Projects board because it is not worth it for gaining experience. Go to Estebanita Gomes and speak with her. She stays on the south of Hamlet. Take the quest from her Forging Ahead.

G. There you need a lot of iron ore, but do not be afraid. She gave it to you. Just open the box in your inventory. Let's go to the Smelter and craft 9 Iron Ingots. Now you should go to the Forge and craft Iron Longsword. After that turn in the quest to Estebanita and take a new one The Lone Wolf. Here you should speak with Bercina Thornton, she will learn you how to make a camp for your spawn after death or just for fast travel, but sadly just for 500 meters. Take the quest Baring Teeth. Go to the western entrance to the city and place the camp near town. Go south to the Baring Teeth. Kill 5 Howling Wolf, you can skinning them for meat and leather if you need. Now you should go to Hurtfang Hole. It is on the east. Here you should kill Snaggletooth Wolfs for Sharp Wolf Fang. Fast travel to your camp and then turn in your quest. Take the new one and go to Urbanus Bixford. Turn in the quest.
And now you should be level 10 and attuned to the main story quest.
At this moment you can choose to start location where you want to play and maybe you want to meet your friends, who starting in other zones.

As you see it is just beginning quests and sometimes this zone can be overcrowded. If you don't want to wait on mob respawns and trying to find quest items in overpopulated starting locations or you want to meet your friends and start to play as a party, you can buy leveling boost from us. We are veterans of MMO games. We are tryhard on Alpha, Closed, and Open beta New World for a perfect service.