Paladin Leveling Build Guide for Lost Ark

Julkaistu 22.2.2022

In case you came across this page you may have decided to play paladin on Lost Ark already. Paladin is a support class in Lost Ark. A paladin will be very welcomed at almost any party for end-game content activities.
But it still has decent AOE damage and is pretty easy during the leveling process.

If you like to play a supportive class it's a good choice to pick a paladin, because it focuses on preventing damage for itself and his/her party members. So it is not a boring healer class, unlike other MMOs.

But this is a leveling guide, so let's talk about how to fast and efficient pump your Paladin in Lost Ark.

At the start, you should focus on these stats for your equipment - Crit, and Swiftness. Of course, you should not waste a lot of time for gearing during leveling, but try to choose rewards from quests, or just buy items from vendors/auction houses with these stats.

Level 12: put 4 points to Charge and get first Tripod - Excellent Mobility, 4 points to Flash Thrust with Tripod - Jungle's Law. These abilities will provide you the opportunity to fast clear the big packs of mobs and decent mobility.

Level 16: Put 7 points in Flash Thrust for 2nd Tripod - Chain Attack, and 4 points to Punishment and obtain 1st Tripod - Swift Fingers.

Level 20: Use 8 Points for Punishment and obtain 2nd Tripod - Divine Punishment, and 4 points to Wrath of God and get the 1st Tripod - Jungle's Law.

Level 26: 10 points to Flash Thrust and get 3rd Tripod - Flash Enhancement, 4 points to Executor's Sword for 1st Tripod - Stigmata.

Level 32: Allocate 3 points from Punishment and put them to Executor Sword for Tripods - Challenger's Will and Broad Slash (here you can change 3rd tripod for single-target damage or for AOE). And get 4 points in Execution of Justice for 1st Tripod - Rune Prison.

Level 36: 4 points to Spin Slash for 1st Tripod - Vital Point Hit. 7 Points to Holy Explosion and obtain 2 Tripods - Swift Fingers, Wide Explosion.

Level 41: Allocate 3 points from Holy Explosion and put 10 in total points to Holy Sword for Tripods - Stigmata, Weak Detection, Condensed Energy.

Level 45: 7 points to Execution of Justice for 2nd Tripod - Strength Release. And put again 3 points to Holy Explosion for Tripod - Wide Explosion.

Level 49: Obtain 3rd Tripod - Prepared Explosion for Holy Explosion ability. And 2nd Tripod - Thunder for Wrath of God.

Level 50: Your final build should look like: 10 points Flash Thrust - Jungle's Law, Chain Attack, Flash Enhancement; 4 points Charge - Excellent Mobility; 10 points Executor's Sword - Stigmata, Challenger's Will, Broad Slash; 4 points Executor Justice - Rune Prison; 10 points Holy Sword - Stigmata, Weak Point Detection, Condensed Energy; 4 points Wrath of God - Jungle's Law; 10 points - Holy Explosion - Swift Fingers, Wide Explosion, Prepared Explosion; 10 points Heavenly Blessings - Faith, Valor, Heavenly Requiem.
And awakening skill Alithanes's Light.

It's a general leveling build, but it still works in early Chaos Dungeons.

In short - your class has a lot of AOE damage for support, decent mobility - and it's very important in Lost Ark. And let's not forget about its survivability perks.
Hope this guide will help you with your great journey.

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