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WoW Private server
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Buy WoW Private server account
In case you used to love World of Warcraft, but disliked the WoW Retail part, it might be a good option to play on a WoW Private server. Did you waste a lot of time on the leveling part but now you rather skip it? Searched for terms like " Buy Stormforge account", " Buy warmane account", "buy turtle wow account" or anything like that will send you to the correct page, which is this one. We're here to help you on your road on the wow private servers. On this page, you will be able to find a huge number of accounts that have been verified with caution, to maximize safety. On this page, you will be able to find any private server account you're looking for. We have over 500 Private server accounts in-store and we're still adding new accounts every day. We have accounts on various servers. All private server accounts include an optional free gold bonus. Also, keep in mind that accounts come with a lifetime warranty, so make sure to bookmark this page. Currently, we sell on a huge number of WoW Private servers. Below we will give you a summary of these supported private servers and we will disclose how many accounts we offer for them. Every time a new WoW Private server launches, we add them as well to our page.
No account registration is required & you do not have to pay additional fees upon checking out!
Are these WoW Private server accounts safe to play?
Most of these accounts have been leveled for selling purposes only. So buying these WoW accounts is extremely safe. Every day we add many new WoW accounts to this page. Especially ones on popular servers like Everlook Vanilla, Turtle WoW, Stormforge Netherwing & Stormforge Mistblade, or Warmane Servers. Feel free to contact us for information regarding our new account updates. We recommend you bookmark this page so you won't miss out on them
Unlike most websites, we have all these accounts, so we can instantly deliver the account upon purchase!
At MMOprovider, we are 100% responsible for what we sell
How many WoW Private servers accounts do you offer?
To summarize our total number of WoW private server accounts, please have a look below. This is an estimated number of accounts. Due to sales and new additions, this number may fluctuate. Currently we have around 650 account offers spread over the following servers
Karazhan Atlantiss
Kronos :
Lightbringer / Light's Hope
Northdale / Light's Hope
Nighthaven PVP
Warmane Lordaeron
Sunwell Nightbane
Netherwing Atlantiss
Sunwell Frosthold
Endless Sunstrider
Warmane Onyxia
Warmane Icecrown
Warmane Outland :
Mograine Whitemane
Project Hyjal
Endless Windrunner
Sunwell Voltarus:
Warmane Icecrown:
Sindragosa Synergie
Stormforge Mistblade
Everlook Vanilla
Turtle WoW
Stormforge Netherwing
Whitemane Maelstrom
Turtle WoW Tel'abim
Endless Sunfury
Which private servers do we support?
Twinstar Project
First of all, we start with the Twinstar Project. The Twinstar project is home to various WoW Private servers. Both on Vanilla, as well as Cataclysm content.
On the Vanilla content, we have the following servers. Kronos 1 & Kronos 4.
Kronos 1 is the oldest server. It launched back in 2015 and it's still life. Which is a big record on the vanilla private server scene.
In the past, we also had Kronos 2 and Kronos 3, but due to a lack of players they merged with Kronos 1, so it has been renamed Kronos.
Currently, we also have Kronos 4. This brand-new server launched in the fall of 2021. It is Blizz-like and every rate is 1 XP.
We have numerous accounts for sale on this server. Feel free to browse our Kronos 4 accounts & Kronos 1 Accounts.
Secondly, Twinstar also opened a Cataclysm server, called Apollo
Currently, we already have a huge number of Apollo accounts. There are more than 25 accounts for sale and still counting.
Currently, Apollo is set to be a big hype. On the 12th of December, this Apollo server went live. This is a Cataclysm-based server and XP rates are set to 3x.
Make sure to check our page as we will offer many Apollo 3 accounts on this page.
In addition to that, they recently released the Mist of Pandaria server, called Helios. You may want to check that one out too.
Warmane Project
We support all Warmane servers, which include; Lordaeron, Icecrown, and Onyxia. We will also provide accounts for any upcoming Warmane servers when they announce them.
Warmane is one of the most popular WoW private servers around. They have over 20,000 players online spread over several servers.
All servers are currently based on WOTLK content. Currently, they are at the end-game patch. So whichever Warmane server you pick, the Lich King is no longer safe!
We currently offer over 50 Accounts on all Warmane servers, most accounts are listed on Frostmourne, but we also have a decent number on Lordaeron.
So in case you've been googling for "Buy Warmane account" or "Warmane account for sale" you came to the correct page.
Stormforge Project
The Stormforge Project is a well-scripted Blizz-like group of developers who offer TBC & MoP servers. Currently, they have 2 operational servers named Netherwing & Mistblade. Previously, there was also a TBC server named Karazhan However, due to the finished timeline they closed the server.
On Stormforge Mistblade you will find a decent population with around 2000-4000 players online. This well-scripted server is among the best MoP private servers so its probably your server to go if you wish to play MoP.
Googling on pages like "Buy mistblade account", "Stormforge mistblade account" or "Mistblade mop account for sale" will bring you to this page.
The second brand new server by the stormforge project is called Netherwing. This server was recently launched in march 2023 and it maintains a great community and scripting. So its probably the best WoW TBC server out there. In case you've been looking at "Buy Netherwing account", "Stormforge Nethewing Account", or "Stormforge account for sale"you've come to the correct page.
Whitemane Project
Furthermore, we have the Maelstrom Cataclysm server, this great scripted Cataclysm server should not be forgotten for an amazing experience. Maelstrom has a standard XP rate of 5x, and sometimes they offer bonus weekends for XP rates. In case you wish to skip the leveling part and step into the raiding part this seems to be a great server for you to play on.
It recently launched at the beginning of 2023 and it has over 4000 players online during peak hours. Currently, the population numbers are much lower. At MMOprovider we have many accounts available for this server. "Buy Whitemane account", "Whitemane maelstrom account" or "buy maelstrom account" will get you at the correct page.
Sunwell Project
The Sunwell project was a former group for wow private servers, mostly they did tbc and wotlk. Sadly, they recently disbanded.
Vanilla WoW private servers
Lastly we would like to mention 2 amazing Vanilla based private servers called Turtle WoW & Everlook Vanilla
First of all, Turtle WoW is a massively played fun server, it's based on Vanilla content but they made many changes to the PVE mechanics which is worth checking out,. There are like 2000-5000 players online during peak times, At this page you will find many Turtle wow accounts, we have over 30 accounts available as of now. So if you searched for "buy turtle wow account", "turtle wow account for sale" you 've came to the correct page.
Another great server is the Everlook Vanilla server, which is a hardcore variant of the regular wow classic servers. This server has over 7000(!) players online during peak times. This server is your place to go if you want to play wow classic at hardcore mode. We have many everlook accounts available