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- WoW Classic Hardcore
WoW Classic Hardcore
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WoW Classic Hardcore Account
The moment finally came WoW Classic launched brand new Hardcore mode servers. When you decide to play WoW Classic Hardcore you are required to play the game with great safety. As you are not allowed to die in this game, any misstep is fatal. Since leveling to 60 will take a lot of time, especially since you have to play with safety and lack of dungeon boosting, it is expected to take months to hit level 60, as long you do not die. So please be prepared for this adventure. In case you lack time to level, you may have searched for "Buy WoW Classic HC account" "WoW HC Account for sale", "Buy WoW Classic Hardcore Account" or "WoW Hardcore account for sale". In that case, you've reached the right section. On this page, you are expected to find upcoming hardcore characters. We will be offering any kind of WoW hardcore characters, they can either be medium or high-level. Or even level 60 at some point.
What happens if I die on WoW Classic Hardcore?
The answer is pretty simple, you will die and you will not be able to resurrect. Once you die, you have 2 options; either play as a ghost in hardcore mode and chat with people or you can choose for a free transfer to any of the old classic ERA servers and continue your journey at the level you died
Where did you obtain these WoW Hardcore accounts?
The accounts you see on this page have been obtained by either our boosting team or by other players who decided to sell their accounts. Basically, anybody who wishes to sell their accounts has to meet the account selling requirements upon selling battlenet accounts. These accounts have been obtained with care. In case something bad happens with any of our accounts in terms of recalls, our refund warranty will apply and you will be covered in such a situation